Delivering TBM to Minneapolis MN

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Just getting up from sleeping here in Ireland. Fly back to Atlanta later tonight. Not much rest. No passengers or crew tonight.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Overtime in January

Well, I volunteered a few days between my Vegas/Honolulu flying and was offered a flight from Sacramento, CA (SUU - Travis Air Force Base) to Bangor, Maine then over to Shannon, Ireland where we will rest overnight. We then will fly back to Atlanta, GA and arrive at 1am. Sleep a few hours and then airline to Vegas to start my Vegas-Honolulu flying first thing Monday morning. These opportunities don't come along very often and I needed to take advantage of it. Joshua was very upset when I told him I was leaving early for work. He kept saying "But you just got home". I'll also miss his first Upward Basketball game this Saturday as well as Ashlyn's.